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White Sheet


The Azusa Street Revival did not happen overnight. Many people in Los Angeles and elsewhere had been on their knees interceding for revival. These prayers were not just a quick "please send" request; they were all-day, all-night prayers for many years… William Seymour honed his spiritual beliefs under the guidance of Charles Parham, then felt called by God to California. He was asked to pastor a small mission in Los Angeles. After just two weeks, the powers-that-be locked him out of the church. Seymour had been teaching that according to Scripture, the baptism of the Holy Spirit was accompanied by speaking in tongues languages unknown to the speaker and often to the listener. In His revelations to Seymour, God had broken the barriers of tradition. Tradition is binding and eventually accepted as truth; yet so much of it has been disproved scripturally…At the beginning, Seymour led meetings several times per week for a handful of the faithful. Soon it became three times daily. Although he preached often, he encouraged others to participate, either in the form of sharing a biblical message or telling the congregants what God had done for them. He made it clear from the start that the Apostolic Faith Mission would be integrated: "No instrument that God can use is rejected on account of color or dress or lack of education."

It quickly became apparent that time and space were inadequate for this astounding presence of God. Soon, the building was open around the clock. Dozens, then hundreds, then thousands, flocked to this small mission to partake in this glorious outpouring of His Spirit. No one had ever seen anything like what was happening there. Within two months, it was not unusual for 1,500 people to attend a Sunday meeting. Now, almost a billion people trace their Christian roots to Azusa Street… The most magnificent events of the Azusa Street Revival were the miracles that took place. The blind, the deaf, the mute, and the handicapped were healed. Complete cures of "incurable" diseases transpired as the congregants prayed for all who asked. When Seymour came down from his room upstairs three times daily to teach and pray, some of the most spectacular miracles occurred. Such was his anointing by the Holy Spirit. The manifestation of God's power was in direct correlation with the amount of Shekinah Glory-the greatest miracles happened when the cloud was the thickest… The initial outpouring of the Azusa Street Revival continued from 1906-1909. Many of the saints who attended the mission faithfully were young teenagers; God used them mightily. Thousands of miracles and healings took place. The spirit of Azusa spread throughout the world, despite controversies and criticisms that inevitably accompany such a movement. The river of pilgrims flowed across the United States primarily to missions, camp meetings, and holiness churches.

Today, up to a billion people can trace their Christian roots back to the Azusa Street Revival.











Tommy Welchel, was known as the last living link to the Azusa Street Revival, he was a story teller. As a young man he spent 6 years living with the very ones who were there. He has shared their stories around the globe and miracles followed. Through a divine encounter he met Jody Keck.She traveled and ministered with Tommy for the last several years of his life, where he commissioned her to continue sharing these marvelous stories throughout the world.

Tommy Welchel
Tommy Welchel & Jody Keck
Jody Keck
The River of Zion
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