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As I was preparing our Valentine’s Day dinner, I remembered an extraordinary moment. A moment when The Holy Spirit whispered to me, to remind me of how He sees me.

Many years ago, my sister and I went to a concert. We were eager to sing along to some great songs by Alabama, that brought back fond memories. As soon as I settled in, I scanned the large crowd and began praying for each person there. This is always something I do, wherever I go. “Father, do they know you? Please speak to them tonight. Do they have anyone standing in the gap and calling them out before you? Oh God, protect them and rain down your mercy and love. Holy Spirit, touch each person, convict them and draw them to you. Jesus, forgive those who have rejected you and let this be the night they surrender their hearts to you.” A simple prayer, but one that is always on my heart.

The atmosphere was charged with excitement. We sat and chatted, waiting for the concert to start. People were talking, laughing and tossing large beach balls throughout the crowd.

And then...”You are exquisite.” I know His voice. The Holy Spirit had spoken so softly to my heart. Not while I was praying or thinking of Him. But, in an unexpected moment, His love overwhelmed me and His glorious presence was so near. Right there, in the middle of a large auditorium, with thousands of people around, He spoke to me words of such love. Exquisite? Me?

Exquisite means-Lavishly elegant and refined. Extremely or delightfully beautiful. Rare and appealing excellence. Of special beauty or charm. Excellently made.

The Apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 2:10, “For we are God’s workmanship.” We are exquisite to our Heavenly Father. Do you need reminded of His love for you? He adores and feels the same way about you. He never needs a reason to lavish His love on you. Would you allow Him to pour out His affection on you today? There is nothing that He won’t forgive and heal. Open your heart to Him. He knows the deepest yearning of your soul.

So remember, on this Valentine’s Day, Jesus is waiting...He wants you to know that YOU are exquisite to Him!

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