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It all began with the tablecloth. The memories came flooding back. You see, it was my Momma’s. She went home to be with The Lord when I was only 21, and I don’t have many things that were hers. I’ve often wished I would have kept more of them. But oh…youth…and the things you don’t think are that important, are sometimes the very things you hold dearest to your heart when you reflect back.

I love using tablecloths and have an entire closet dedicated for all of them. When I saw this small, but oh so meaningful one, I knew it would be great to use for an outdoor meal. Of course, my lemon theme would work beautifully with the tablecloth. A pool side dinner was soon in the making!

If I sit quietly and think back, I hear Momma’s laughter. I listen carefully to remember the sound of her voice, and I know that she lives on inside of me. She also loved creating beautiful spaces.

Once again, love and laughter was shared over this tablecloth. Momma’s favorite Bible verse was Romans 8:6. “If God be for us, who can be against us?” I encourage you today to let that scripture minister to you. God is for you! Know that when you surrender your life to Jesus, nothing is impossible in Him.

Enjoy these final days of summer, and don’t be too quick to wish for the next season. Soak up every moment, and hold dear to the things that really matter! Share a meal and laugh together. That’s absolutely one of the sweetest memories I have with my incredible Momma.

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